Shrimad bhagvat geeta (SBG)

Vrat Katha

Kamada Ekadashi

॥ ॐ श्री गणेशाय नमः ॥

|| Kamada Ekadashi ||

Kamada Ekadashi Vrat Katha 2024  


          The Varaha Purana contains the account of Kamada Ekadasi, which was told to Yudhishtira by Lord Sri Krishna. The Kamada Ekadasi tale was set in the kingdom of Bhogipura, which was home to a sizable Gandharvas, Apsaras, and Kinnara populace that lived there as citizens. Lalit and his wife, Lalita, were a Gandharva couple who were very good dancers and were so in love that they could not help but think of each other all the time.  

          Lalit once gave a solo singing performance in King Pundarika’s court while Apsaras danced. His beloved wife, Lalita, was on his mind constantly. As a result of his inability to concentrate, Lalit sang incorrectly, missing the beats and the rhythm. A jealous snake named Kakot spotted this when he was in court and pointed it out to the king. The King became furious and felt insulted when he noticed Lalit was not paying attention to singing the song. The enraged king cursed Lalit, saying he would instantly become a cannibal—someone who consumes raw flesh, humans, and alcohol.  

         The handsome Lalit was instantly transformed into a giant, hideous monster with a wide mouth, large red eyes, flared enormous nostrils, and other horrific features as soon as the King spoke the curse. This overwhelmed his wife, Lalita, who questioned how she would manage to survive now that her devoted husband had turned into a beast. She bemoaned and continued to consider ways to win her spouse back.  

           However, Lalita used to travel aimlessly with her now-cannibal husband, and she saw his heinous actions, for which she was powerless to intervene. Lalita met Sage Shringi on the summit of Vindhyachal Hill one day, which was fortunate for her. Lalita quickly bowed down to the holy sage and showed her respect upon seeing him. When Sage Shringi saw the tightness on Lalita’s face, he asked her what was causing her to be so upset and tense. Lalita revealed to the wise sage all that concerned Lalit—the curse, the current state of affairs, etc. She begged the sage to inform her of what rite or religious deed she needed to do to free her husband from the curse.  

          By the grace of Lord Vishnu, Sage Shringi urged her to observe the fast on Kamada Ekadasi by abiding by all laws and regulations. She should then pass on the merits she had gained to her husband, and by some miracle, her husband would return to normal.   

          Unfortunately for Lalita, she met the Sage shortly after, and then the Kamada Ekadasi arrived. Lalita thus kept a close eye on the Kamada Ekadasi and avoided sleeping at night. The next morning, the morning of Dwadasi (12th day), she stood before the god of Lord Vasudeva and asked Him to give her husband Lalit all the merits she had accrued by faithfully observing Kamada Ekadasi. This would ensure that the curse of King Pundarika, which had turned him into a hideous cannibal, would never again affect him. Her supplication was heard by the Lord. Standing close by, Lalit was instantly freed from the curse and returned to his former form as the Gandharva, the devoted Lalit. After that, the devoted pair went up to heaven once more and continued to live a happy and abundant life.  
