In the Hindu calendar month of Margashirsh, Utpanna Ekadashi, also known as “Uttpatti Ekadashi,” is observed on the eleventh day of the Krishna Paksha, or the waning phase of the moon. In contrast, the Gregorian calendar places it between November and December. For Hindus, the first day of the ekadashi fast should be Utapanna Ekadashi. Many individuals think that this ekadashi helps believers make up for all of their misdeeds, both past and present.
The festival of Utppana Ekadashi honors Lord Vishnu’s victory over the demon “Murasura.” In addition, Hindu legend states that Ekadashi Mata was born on Utpanna Ekadashi. The northern Indian states celebrate Utpanna Ekadashi in the month of Margashirsh, but Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, and Maharashtra celebrate it in the month of Kartik. The month is also referred to as “Karthigai Masam” or “Aippasi” in the Tamil calendar and “Vrischika Masam” or “Thulam” in the Malayalam calendar. The main deities of Utpanna Ekadashi are Lord Vishnu and Mata Ekadashi.
Utpanna Ekadashi on Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Parana (breaking the fast) time – November 27, 01:22 PM to 03:34 PM
Hari Vasara end time on Parana Tithi – 10:26 AM
Ekadashi Tithi starts – November 26, 2024, at 01:01 AM
Ekadashi Tithi ends – November 27, 2024, at 03:47 AM
In some Hindu writings, such the “Bhavishyottara Purana,” a conversation between King Yudhisthira and Sri Krishna illustrates the grandeur of Utpanna Ekadashi. Giving on auspicious occasions like “Sankranti” or taking a holy bath on Hindu pilgrimages are equally important as Utpanna Ekadashi. The watcher is said to be set free from sin and eventually attain moksha, or salvation, on Utapanna Ekadashi. They are taken right away to Lord Vishnu’s house, “Vaikunth,” after they pass away. It is believed that Utpanna Ekadashi is more magnificent than a thousand cows donated to charity. The three main Hindu gods, Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh, are the objects of fasting on Utpanna Ekadashi. As a result, Utapanna Ekadashi is observed with great zeal and devotion by Hindu followers.
A person who is observing a day-long fast should eat fruits such as bananas, apples, oranges, or papaya. Along with this, one can also eat cucumber, radish pumpkin, lemon and coconut. In spices, only black pepper is edible if you are fasting on Ekadashi.
विष्णु मूल मंत्र(Vishnu Mool Mantra)
ॐ नमोः नारायणाय॥
Om Namo Narayanay॥
विष्णु गायत्री मंत्र(Vishnu Gayatri Mantra)
ॐ श्री विष्णवे च विद्महे वासुदेवाय धीमहि। तन्नो विष्णुः प्रचोदयात्॥
Om Shri Vishnuve Cha Vidmahe Vasudevay Dhimahi. Tanno Vishnu: Prachodayat.
श्री विष्णु मंत्र(Shri Vishnu Mantra)
मंगलम भगवान विष्णुः, मंगलम गरुणध्वजः।
मंगलम पुण्डरी काक्षः, मंगलाय तनो हरिः॥
Mangalam Bhagvan Vishnu, Mangalam Garundhwaj.
Mangalam Pundri Kaksha, Mangalay Tano Hari.
भगवते वासुदेवाय मंत्र(Bhagwate Vasudevaya Mantra)
ॐ नमोः भगवते वासुदेवाय॥
Om Namo: Bhagwate Vasudevaya.