Meaning : ‘‘Accept my salutations, Oh Sri Krishna.’’
Meaning : ‘ Ode to Sri Krishna and Lord Rama who are both two bodies but one being, as they are the incarnation of Sri Hari Vishnu. ’
Meaning: ‘‘To the beloved Lord Krishna I pray to take me under your shelter, I surrender to you Oh lord.’ ’
““Aum Devkinandanaye Vidmahe
Vasudevaye Dhi-Mahi
Tanno Krishna Prachodayat” ”
Meaning: ‘Lord Krishna is constantly governing the thoughts of ascetics (yogis) in meditation. The divine Krishna is limitless and not even Gods or demons can define the limit of Sri Krishna. To such a supreme deity I offer my salutations. Accept my regards Oh lord.’
Meaning: “ I meditate on the Damodara form of Lord Krishna, who is the beloved of Devi Rukmini. May Lord Krishna awaken us to consciousness. “